Monday, March 30, 2009

90年代后: 我们该如何面对"性(sex)"

今晚我在BBC Chinese 看到惊人的消息,那就是13岁的孩子竟然当"小爸爸" - 察看详情报道。我的天,这是什么世界??


This reference is from

当然,这一切只能让"性"变得更神秘,更困惑罢了。今日的90后一代,生活环境不可同日而语,但面对一个"性"字,困惑似乎一点不少,甚至更多。 那英国是最好的例子。据英国的报道,英国合法的发生性行为的年龄为16岁。调查显示,多达四分之一的英国青少年等不到庆祝16岁生日,就按耐不住青春的骚动,“偷尝禁果”,有了第一次性经历。甚至英国的少女怀孕率10多年来一直高居欧洲国家榜首。


Saturday, March 28, 2009

Is China ready facing the business world?

I always ask myself in time that how my English level is. I've to prepare myself to face new challenging, especially is my language in future. Nevertheless I found something on and was wondering is CHINA ready facing the business world? Some translations are really horrible and ... Dizzy I'm.

Notes: All this resources are refering on

Hello.... is anyone there?

Attention deformities!!!! =.=''

A "holething"????

Where should I start it?

Friday, March 27, 2009

My Singapore's Zoo Trip 14/03/09

14/03/09 is a day that Tze Wei, Nam Ling, Chen Chai and me spent a whole day time in Singapore National Zoo. The reason we went there because we have some free tickets from my "Lao Da", Mr Tze Wei. Haha... Due to this trip, I've waked up in early next morning to prepare my long journay from Lavendar to Woodland which is costed me around 45 mins. Unfortunately I was still late. Sorry ah.... I wont be it next time. (^_^).

We enjoyed this trip from 11am until 5pm before we took our dinner at Chen Chai's auntie's coffee shop. There has a lot of interesting and attractive programme to watch, such as SeaTiger, elephant and monkey's show. All of them are free of charge, just needed to arrange the schedule before attended it.

We took a lot of photos from there, also chated nonsense or our stories to each other within this a few months. I felt that we have changed a lot because of the working and lifestyle environment. There has no doubt that these will force us to change to allow us adapt it before make the survive. No matter how it is, we are still friends. ^_^

There has a heavy raining before a few mins we left from Singapore Zoo. Lucky.... otherwise we will be a "落汤鸡". =.='' We took a rest at reception, consequently we were also waiting the cab to fetch us back to Woodland MRT station which is only a way to approach Chen Chai's auntie coffee shop.

There has happened an incredible case that all of us went to "calculate" our fate. OMG.... but I also went there too. =.='' At least I could know how my fate is, better dont know nothing. At the conclusion, a fate professes said I will be fine in every fields this year. Wish his words can be worked as well especially within this period. @_@

After that, we went back to each home and prepare to face tomorrow again. Now I'm also sleepy too.. Time go to bed.. Time to say "GOOD NIGHT".. :)

Are you one of them in "Twitter" World?

I accidently watched this video clip in youtube and now would like to share it to my friends. Let's us to laugh and understanding it.

Are you one of them or have enjoyed this "Twitter" world? I also dont know it... ^_^

Earth Hour in Singapore 2009.

At 8pm on the 28th March 2009, millions of people in some of the world's major capital cities, including Melbourne, Manila, Shanghai, Toronto, New York, Copenhagen, Singapore will unite and switch off the power for Earth Hour.

This year Singapore will be part of this global effort organised by the WWF to attempt at making a statement in energy conservation. Apparently MacDonald in Singapore do it in a big way this year by going as far as switching off all the lights for 1 hour. The efforts in 1 hour on 1 day reduced Singapore's energy consumption by 10.2% for 1 hour, which is the equivalent effect of taking around 48k cars off the road for 1 hour.

Earth hour is not the only such effort in the world where you have Light out of America in various cities in the US and Candle Night Project in Japan and Taiwan.

Now Singapore's government is calling for more people and businesses from Singapore to be involved in Earth Hour and get them to turn off their lights for 1 hour at 8.30pm, 28th March 2009. In fact, their efforts even appeared in the press today!!! So dont surprised when the light of Singapore's Suntec City is going to turn off. There's no black out. It's Earth Hour.

My first Blog

This is my first blog in here. Meanwhile, today also is the time to switch my blog from Window Live Space to here too. Hope all visitors can drop some comments after visit it. ^_^