I have moved to my new accommodation last two days (26/04/09) before. At here, I would to say thank you to my Singapore BIG "Mother"(Faye Lim), second "Mother"(Yen Ting) and third "Mother"(Fen Ming). The reason I'm using these "nickname" to call them because they always scold me such as like my mother did it. =.=''' Ahh.... Dont scold me again.. PLEASE @_@
Back to our topic, that day is my busy day from early morning until night. In the early morning, I was busy to pack up everything into my bag. I thought I have enough hand to take cover it, unfortunately it is opposite with my thinking. Plus, that day was a raining day. SHIT!!! At last, I need to get the SOS from my 1st and 2nd "mother" to help me carried out those things from LAVANDER to JURONG.
I'm busy to keep my things. But the rest......
We arrived my new accommodation around 3pm. My landlord is very nice because she was purposely to wait me come even I was late. Also, she helped me to setup the bed and provided some furnitures to me as well. Of course my 1st, 2nd, 3rd "mother" and me also did it together.
Toilet which is only belong with my room.
After 2++ hours, my 1st, 2nd and 3rd "mother" started to chit chat with each other because there is too bored. They started to "kacau" my computer that viewed my folders and documents. Plus, my 1st "mother" used my camera and took some photos around my new accommodation. Everyone was happy to stay my new accommodation until the time went to JURONG POINT have a dinner.
Ah faye (1st "mother"), what are you doing?
Alright, that is my day to move house. Also, it is a time for me take a rest and prepare my tomorrow work. Thanks again to who help me on that day. GOOD NIGHT...
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Orchestra - The Siziwan Bay (西子湾长堤), 25/04/09
The Orchestra
The Siziwan Bay (西子湾长堤) is a name of concert that organised by taiwanese Soprano Elaine Chang(张杏月), KaoSiung(高雄) City Symphony Orchestra and Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation (Singapore) at Singapore Esplande Concert Hall. It is a theatre and one of the world's busiest arts centres, also it aims to be a performing arts centre for everyone, and its programmes cater to its diverse audiences. Is sounds great? That is my first time to there and enjoy my orchestra from the day I'm at Singapore.
The Orchestra tickets
At this moment, everyone will ask me why I have interesting to enjoy it? or why m I so rich to enjoy it? Haha... Basically the price is fair enough because it only costs me SGD 20. Plus, the purpose of this orchestra is a donation for people who are still suffering at Africa. Of course I will support it as well. On the other sides, my best friend, FAYE LIM asked me to join it before a month ago. Thus, we met up at Coffee shop before the orchestra started.
Get ready to enjoy the orchestra.
This Orchestra has performed 13 different of music which shown as below:
01. J.Brahms: Hungarian Dances No.184
02. 因缘,爱洒人间
03. 月琴
04. J.Brahms: Hungarian Dnaces No.5 & 7
05. 你是春天院是花
06. 西子湾长堤
07. A.Dvorak: Slavonic Dances No.8(o.p.46), No.10 (o.p.72)
08. 马儿阿,你慢些走
09. 再别康桥
10. G.Bizet: Prelude-Aragonaise, Les Toreadors from Carmen Suite No.1
11. 新不了情
12. 我不该看你的眼神
13. G.Bizet: Farandole from L'Arlesienne Suite No.2
14. Memory
15. 天上的月亮
Xin Hui, Yen Ting, Faye Lim and Jason
Perhaps it was my first time, I felt it was really amazing because my emotion has controlled by their music and soprano, Elaine Cheng(张杏月). Her voice is very good and attrative because I can felt the feeling from her in eveytime she made a performance. Also, every audience gave a high recommend and feedback after each performance she has done. Until today, I still remember how feel it is. That is great.
Soprano,Elaine Cheng(张杏月)
This orchestra has taken around 1 hour and 30 mins. After my friends and I finished to enjoy it, we walked around and take some photos with nice night scenery with Marina Bay and Esplande Mall. My friends and I have given a high comments on it, somemore some of my friends wanna attend her performance after next a few months later.
Night view of Marina Bay
A small performance stand at Esplande Mall
Yen Ting and I at Esplande Mall
Also, we took the supper as well until the time we went back to each other home. At the conlcusion, that is great to me to enjoy what the orchestra is. I'm not regret on it. ^_^
Saturday, April 25, 2009
My Liverpool life (2006 - 2008)
Night view of Liverpool
Liverpool, it's a place that I have stayed in around 1 1/2++ years. Liverpool is a remarkable city with a proud histroy. And last year, 2008 marked as the beginning of an incredible new chapter in the city's story. From its birth as a city in 1208, through its growth to one of the world's most famous port cities, the "Second city of Empire", to its economic downturn after the First World War, and to its current renaissance, the Liverpool story is never anything less than enthralling.
The farewell at Liverpool FC
"Crazy" family in Marybone @_@
From the day I arrived in Liverpool until last 3 years, I had taken some photos around attraction places in Liverpool such as Anglican Cathedral, Albert docks, Liverpool FC and so on. The most impressive in my mind is Liverpool FC, it was the last place that my coursemate and I only can gathered together that day. After that day, everyone will be leaving from Liverpool to Malaysia or travel Europe before back. As to me, I stayed back and continue my study until last year I went back to my home country. I miss the life in Liverpool because everyone was crazy to enjoy and study.
The place I stayed before
Liverpool City Centre
My lovely Dear, kitty
I miss the life so much. I think everyone has same thinking as me that would to backward our life again, right? ^_^
Friday, April 24, 2009
我刚打开我的GMAIL就发现我的dear dear发给我一封邮件,标题叫做"从睁开眼到见到神",用轻松调侃的方式为人生从1到100岁的每一年各拟一句话.其实这种玩法的始作俑者,是一本英文书“This book will change your life”,作者是两位年过三十的在伦敦从事广告创意的人Ben Carey和Henrik Delehag.我看到的这篇中文版,那就是...
0岁 我来了,我看到了,我征服了。
1岁 我就是不讲话,不让大人们轻易知道我在想什么。哼哼。
2岁 发表第一篇论文《论走路》:还是手脚并用更稳当一些……
3岁 认识了许多新朋友。女生(男生)?她(他)和我不一样。
4岁 鹅鹅鹅,曲项向天歌,白毛拂绿水,红掌拨清波……我的苦难人生就这样开始了。
5岁 我讨厌每个人都过来摸我一下表示喜欢,我讨厌回答几岁了这个问题。
6岁 上学,我很忙。
7岁 老师说的为什么和爸爸妈妈说的不一样?一定是爸爸妈妈错了。
8岁 我应该有些自己的奢侈品,原来的那些太土了。
9岁 第一次翘课。
10岁 “隔壁班上的那个女孩(男生)为什么还没有经过我的窗前……”
11岁 褪字灵真是个好东西,但学会模仿爸爸签字好像更重要。
12岁 升初中,真的从现在开始就能决定我一生的走向吗?那要不要列一个清晰版的人生计划?
13岁 每天都在发育。女生在妈妈陪伴下买了第一个Bra,男生突然开始自己洗内裤。
14岁 ^%^$##%$@#$*&(*()&%^&^%……!!其实不过是拉拉手而已。
15岁 小学里最要好的朋友,有的已经失去了联系。
16岁 成为有身份的人。男生偷偷用了父亲的刮胡刀。
17岁 人生里“第一次”最密集的一年。
18岁 成年。有投票权。啊,还有高考……它的重要性和决定性是过了好多年才发现的。虽然当时已经被这重要压得喘不过气来了。
19岁 新世界展开了,我可以无法无天了。被叫“叔叔”或者“阿姨”。
20岁 重新思考一下人生,可以给过来人讲自己的传奇故事了。
21岁 无所事事的一年,也是最容易被忽略和忘记的一年。或者,这一年就该被浪费掉?
22岁 我赚钱了!王侯将相,宁有种乎?
23岁 一个人住在新加坡(吉隆坡,上海……),还不错哦。很多东西不像自己想象的那个样子。
24岁 对本命年充满忌惮,随时准备倒更大的霉。
25岁 懒得跳槽了,有什么区别呢?
26岁 学会了用“呵呵”来表达自己不一样的看法。
27岁 啊,那些运动员(足球)的年龄,居然比我还小。
28岁 远大前程,终于找到了得心应手的感觉。
29岁 父母帮忙付首付,自己付按揭的第一套房。第一次婚姻。该为家族负责的事,在这一年似乎应该都搞定才行。
30岁 曾经可怕的年龄,也就这么着就来了。
31岁 事业不错,生活也不错,但不舒服的是,富豪榜上也有比你年轻的人了。
32岁 计划开始繁殖。
33岁 抓住青春的尾巴。
34岁 发现有些事情不是你通过努力就能做到的。
35岁 突然想起来,多年以前那个35岁退休的理想不可能实现了。
36岁 理解了为什么妈妈当年会觉得你是如此天赋异禀,因为你也如此看自己的孩子。
37岁 挠挠七年之痒。
38岁 那些不知天高地厚的年轻人!
39岁 奔4,但已经不恐慌了。
40岁 四十不惑。就是说,任何事情都要自己解决了,你没有资格也不好意思再去请教别人了。
41岁 看孩子写作业,这些题怎么还是那么讨厌。
42岁 毕业20年聚会,男生最大的能耐还是把自己的肚子搞大。
43岁 孩子问题好像是遇到的问题中最棘手也是最没把握的。
44岁 去健身房的目的不是为了肌肉或者减肥,而是更多考虑自己的心肺功能问题了。
45岁 中年危机,找到心跳的感觉。
46岁 事业有成,觉得自己还是很幸运的。
47岁 孩子的个头超过自己。
48岁 发现眼睛居然不近视了。
49岁 琢磨了一年如何与孩子沟通的问题。
50岁 结婚20周年纪念,一起度一次假。只是因为孩子住校了。
51岁 去陌生城市开拓一个新市场。很激动兴奋,就像有很多未知的东西等在前面。
52岁 同学又聚会,为早逝的同学默哀。交流最多的是健康问题。
53岁 太阳底下没有新鲜事。
54岁 公共汽车上,很意外有个孩子给你让座。
55岁 儿子(女儿)要出国了。
56岁 做的所有事,终究还是要放下的。
57岁 父母随时需要有人在身边照顾。
58岁 越来越絮叨了,更年期。
59岁 做了很多退休的计划,这一年过得可真快。
60岁 退休。早上一起床就手足无措,若有所失。
61岁 认识了许多新朋友。
62岁 见一对陌生的同龄夫妇,与他们一起探讨了儿女结婚的事宜。
63岁 参加孩子的婚礼。
64岁 搬到另一个城市与孩子同住。
65岁 能记得住电视里每个电视频道的号码。
66岁 告诫自己不要太操心孩子家里的事,但总是管不好自己。
67岁 很迫切地希望有孩子的孩子。
68岁 终于有了自己的爱好。
69岁 不会再搬家了。
70岁 得了一场病,写了遗嘱。
71岁 终于有了孩子的孩子,溺爱他(她)。
72岁 同学聚会,发现少了些人。
73岁 想应该把自己一生记录下来。
74岁 记忆力狠狠衰退了一下。
75岁 早晨醒得越来越早。
76岁 和儿子(女儿)争执,第三代应该如何教育。
77岁 不再抱怨了,世界不是我们的。
78岁 与朋友谈论最多的是各种疾病。
79岁 坚持每天了解新闻,知道别人在讲什么东西。
80岁 其实一辈子还是挺满意的。
81岁 量身高,发现比年轻时矮了3公分。
82岁 孩子越来越多地把我当作要照顾的孩子。
83岁 重写一遍遗嘱,只不过是叮嘱继承者一定保管好这些东西。
84岁 “我居然活到了84岁。”
85岁 随身带着卡片,上面记着姓名健康状况还有住址和联系电话。
86岁 很久远的事都想起来了,但身边发生的事变得越来越模糊了。
87岁 有时会想有关尊严的问题。
88岁 他们以为我真的什么也不清楚了。
89岁 拒绝轮椅,坚持每天出去走几分钟。
90岁 对那些说“看不出您90岁”的人报以微笑。
91岁 最后一颗牙齿掉了。
92岁 接受不做任何事——已经没有人放心让你做任何事情了。
93岁 接受轮椅。
94岁 孙子(女)用他(她)的第一个月的工资给我买了礼物。
95岁 已经不再关心具体的日期了。只是下意识地问“今天是几号?”一天问了10次。
96岁 上一次出门是什么时候?
97岁 在床上,完成所有活动。像很早很早以前。
98岁 又一次几乎触摸到死亡。
99岁 等待。
100岁 我走了。
REMEMBER!!! Must appreciate anything beside on you, dont make yourself regret forever.
0岁 我来了,我看到了,我征服了。
1岁 我就是不讲话,不让大人们轻易知道我在想什么。哼哼。
2岁 发表第一篇论文《论走路》:还是手脚并用更稳当一些……
3岁 认识了许多新朋友。女生(男生)?她(他)和我不一样。
4岁 鹅鹅鹅,曲项向天歌,白毛拂绿水,红掌拨清波……我的苦难人生就这样开始了。
5岁 我讨厌每个人都过来摸我一下表示喜欢,我讨厌回答几岁了这个问题。
6岁 上学,我很忙。
7岁 老师说的为什么和爸爸妈妈说的不一样?一定是爸爸妈妈错了。
8岁 我应该有些自己的奢侈品,原来的那些太土了。
9岁 第一次翘课。
10岁 “隔壁班上的那个女孩(男生)为什么还没有经过我的窗前……”
11岁 褪字灵真是个好东西,但学会模仿爸爸签字好像更重要。
12岁 升初中,真的从现在开始就能决定我一生的走向吗?那要不要列一个清晰版的人生计划?
13岁 每天都在发育。女生在妈妈陪伴下买了第一个Bra,男生突然开始自己洗内裤。
14岁 ^%^$##%$@#$*&(*()&%^&^%……!!其实不过是拉拉手而已。
15岁 小学里最要好的朋友,有的已经失去了联系。
16岁 成为有身份的人。男生偷偷用了父亲的刮胡刀。
17岁 人生里“第一次”最密集的一年。
18岁 成年。有投票权。啊,还有高考……它的重要性和决定性是过了好多年才发现的。虽然当时已经被这重要压得喘不过气来了。
19岁 新世界展开了,我可以无法无天了。被叫“叔叔”或者“阿姨”。
20岁 重新思考一下人生,可以给过来人讲自己的传奇故事了。
21岁 无所事事的一年,也是最容易被忽略和忘记的一年。或者,这一年就该被浪费掉?
22岁 我赚钱了!王侯将相,宁有种乎?
23岁 一个人住在新加坡(吉隆坡,上海……),还不错哦。很多东西不像自己想象的那个样子。
24岁 对本命年充满忌惮,随时准备倒更大的霉。
25岁 懒得跳槽了,有什么区别呢?
26岁 学会了用“呵呵”来表达自己不一样的看法。
27岁 啊,那些运动员(足球)的年龄,居然比我还小。
28岁 远大前程,终于找到了得心应手的感觉。
29岁 父母帮忙付首付,自己付按揭的第一套房。第一次婚姻。该为家族负责的事,在这一年似乎应该都搞定才行。
30岁 曾经可怕的年龄,也就这么着就来了。
31岁 事业不错,生活也不错,但不舒服的是,富豪榜上也有比你年轻的人了。
32岁 计划开始繁殖。
33岁 抓住青春的尾巴。
34岁 发现有些事情不是你通过努力就能做到的。
35岁 突然想起来,多年以前那个35岁退休的理想不可能实现了。
36岁 理解了为什么妈妈当年会觉得你是如此天赋异禀,因为你也如此看自己的孩子。
37岁 挠挠七年之痒。
38岁 那些不知天高地厚的年轻人!
39岁 奔4,但已经不恐慌了。
40岁 四十不惑。就是说,任何事情都要自己解决了,你没有资格也不好意思再去请教别人了。
41岁 看孩子写作业,这些题怎么还是那么讨厌。
42岁 毕业20年聚会,男生最大的能耐还是把自己的肚子搞大。
43岁 孩子问题好像是遇到的问题中最棘手也是最没把握的。
44岁 去健身房的目的不是为了肌肉或者减肥,而是更多考虑自己的心肺功能问题了。
45岁 中年危机,找到心跳的感觉。
46岁 事业有成,觉得自己还是很幸运的。
47岁 孩子的个头超过自己。
48岁 发现眼睛居然不近视了。
49岁 琢磨了一年如何与孩子沟通的问题。
50岁 结婚20周年纪念,一起度一次假。只是因为孩子住校了。
51岁 去陌生城市开拓一个新市场。很激动兴奋,就像有很多未知的东西等在前面。
52岁 同学又聚会,为早逝的同学默哀。交流最多的是健康问题。
53岁 太阳底下没有新鲜事。
54岁 公共汽车上,很意外有个孩子给你让座。
55岁 儿子(女儿)要出国了。
56岁 做的所有事,终究还是要放下的。
57岁 父母随时需要有人在身边照顾。
58岁 越来越絮叨了,更年期。
59岁 做了很多退休的计划,这一年过得可真快。
60岁 退休。早上一起床就手足无措,若有所失。
61岁 认识了许多新朋友。
62岁 见一对陌生的同龄夫妇,与他们一起探讨了儿女结婚的事宜。
63岁 参加孩子的婚礼。
64岁 搬到另一个城市与孩子同住。
65岁 能记得住电视里每个电视频道的号码。
66岁 告诫自己不要太操心孩子家里的事,但总是管不好自己。
67岁 很迫切地希望有孩子的孩子。
68岁 终于有了自己的爱好。
69岁 不会再搬家了。
70岁 得了一场病,写了遗嘱。
71岁 终于有了孩子的孩子,溺爱他(她)。
72岁 同学聚会,发现少了些人。
73岁 想应该把自己一生记录下来。
74岁 记忆力狠狠衰退了一下。
75岁 早晨醒得越来越早。
76岁 和儿子(女儿)争执,第三代应该如何教育。
77岁 不再抱怨了,世界不是我们的。
78岁 与朋友谈论最多的是各种疾病。
79岁 坚持每天了解新闻,知道别人在讲什么东西。
80岁 其实一辈子还是挺满意的。
81岁 量身高,发现比年轻时矮了3公分。
82岁 孩子越来越多地把我当作要照顾的孩子。
83岁 重写一遍遗嘱,只不过是叮嘱继承者一定保管好这些东西。
84岁 “我居然活到了84岁。”
85岁 随身带着卡片,上面记着姓名健康状况还有住址和联系电话。
86岁 很久远的事都想起来了,但身边发生的事变得越来越模糊了。
87岁 有时会想有关尊严的问题。
88岁 他们以为我真的什么也不清楚了。
89岁 拒绝轮椅,坚持每天出去走几分钟。
90岁 对那些说“看不出您90岁”的人报以微笑。
91岁 最后一颗牙齿掉了。
92岁 接受不做任何事——已经没有人放心让你做任何事情了。
93岁 接受轮椅。
94岁 孙子(女)用他(她)的第一个月的工资给我买了礼物。
95岁 已经不再关心具体的日期了。只是下意识地问“今天是几号?”一天问了10次。
96岁 上一次出门是什么时候?
97岁 在床上,完成所有活动。像很早很早以前。
98岁 又一次几乎触摸到死亡。
99岁 等待。
100岁 我走了。
REMEMBER!!! Must appreciate anything beside on you, dont make yourself regret forever.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
The "New" way to sing "Touch My body"
Check it out this section that attached a video clip who someone sing one of Mariah Carey's songs, "Touch My body". I guarantee you will have a crazy laugh after you listen it.
Touch My Body (Tuts My Barreh) / Karaoke Fail (English subtitles)
HAHAHAHA.... Do the new "lyric" catch your mind to be crazy or laugh until non-stop?
Touch My Body (Tuts My Barreh) / Karaoke Fail (English subtitles)
HAHAHAHA.... Do the new "lyric" catch your mind to be crazy or laugh until non-stop?
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
The fate of Malaysia
"The government is not looking to solve the conflict with race, politics and economoy but would to eliminate who are not following the law to ensure they are the "BEST" forever "
Nowadays, every activities in Malaysia, especially is news had been controlled by government. They wanna every Malaysian shut up their month and accept whatever information they would like us to 100% believe without question. If got questions, ISA will come approach you soon. According to www.merdekareview.com, our lovely new Malaysia government has already taken some "silly" action, such as prohibit "merdekareview" reporters to take interview with new Prime Minster. I wonder what he is doing because his action is against the 1 Malaysia concept that he said last a couple of weeks. As this action, do everyone will trust your words anymore? That's curious and I start to wonder how high is his education level? Secondary school or Diploma or less?
Plus, Minister of Information, Communication and Culture Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim said "We would like the right of the people to be guarded by the relevant authorities and the law. Our aim is to see the IMalaysia concept succeed. However, in order to succeed, the facts must not be twisted or misinterpreted by some until it raises racial sentiments." Is this word suppose said by someone who has a certificate from USA university? Do you think everyone is stupid or idiot? Nowadays, every statements need have a reference to prove instead said without sieving via information. We have our knowledge to differentiate which is fake and what is true.
If they have to do the revolution, they have to start with themselves. They are too silly because their mind still remain at 1960. Time to wake up.. please
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Facebook VS Friendster: Who is a winner?
During this weekend, I have made a research on Facebook vs Friendster in Malaysia and here's is the interesting information.
1. Alexaholic Rankings (it always be updated on time)
This ranks the traffic websites get from Malaysia. Note that Facebook is the 5th most visited page ahead of Friendster (only No. 7). This has changed much from the 2008 news release from Friendster which was in the Top 5 most popular sites. Facebook has overtaken them in these past 6 months.
Of course, Alexa is anything but accurate in Malaysia, but still...if Friendster used to go around telling people they were top 5 on Alexa, it's news that right now, they aren't.
2. Facebook Increasingly popular in Malaysia (31 March 2009)
This story in March reveals Facebook receiving a 14% sustained growth in Malaysia month-on-month. This means, in Feb 2008 Facebook received 500k visitors, but in February 2009 it received 2.4 million. That’s monumental growth.
At my conclusion, Friendster is, by number of accounts, the biggest but it’s trending down in terms of activity (measured by traffic). A quick dip-stick survey on Twitter reveals that most significant online people in Malaysia prefer using Facebook over Friendster.
1. Alexaholic Rankings (it always be updated on time)
This ranks the traffic websites get from Malaysia. Note that Facebook is the 5th most visited page ahead of Friendster (only No. 7). This has changed much from the 2008 news release from Friendster which was in the Top 5 most popular sites. Facebook has overtaken them in these past 6 months.
Of course, Alexa is anything but accurate in Malaysia, but still...if Friendster used to go around telling people they were top 5 on Alexa, it's news that right now, they aren't.
2. Facebook Increasingly popular in Malaysia (31 March 2009)
This story in March reveals Facebook receiving a 14% sustained growth in Malaysia month-on-month. This means, in Feb 2008 Facebook received 500k visitors, but in February 2009 it received 2.4 million. That’s monumental growth.
At my conclusion, Friendster is, by number of accounts, the biggest but it’s trending down in terms of activity (measured by traffic). A quick dip-stick survey on Twitter reveals that most significant online people in Malaysia prefer using Facebook over Friendster.
The cutiest way to open the letter
Check out this awesome and cutiest way to open the letter by RABBIT.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
My Travels - Batam Island in Photos (10-11/04/09)
My crazy friends (fayeLim, Fen Ming, Yen Ting, Xin Hui, Jason and 3 more friends who I forget how to call them, Sorry.....) and I just had a Batam Trip a daily trip between 10/04/09 and 11/04/09, and I decided to post some pictures taken during my travel and share some experiences at here too.
Our first day to enjoy dinner "A1" restaurant at Batam Island
My friends and I stay at "SWISS" hotel. The building is located at the corner of Baloi and Nagoya, an edge of night entertainment part of Batam Centre. But from the 8 floor that I was staying, there is nothing much to see because of my sight has been blocked by a small hill.
Ready to explore tradisional market at Nagoya
As we know, Batam island is the tradisional and countryside city. Therefore the city is not very well planned, road aren't relatively wide with very pedestrian friendly side walks that are, at places, narrow than the road for automobiles. Now widely known as Batam island, next will be Nagoya, it is the major city center of Batam. Nagoya has it all that you want to have a good time. You can find, numerous shops, restaurants, hotels, spas, discos, karaokes, cinema bars, music lounges, shopping centers/plazas, and more. Also, it will be our first destination to travel.
Everyone is going to crazy at Van
Car/Van transportation is the most important in Batam Island. It is becomes pretty much the main mode of travel accessories here, we decided to make a transportation reservatation on the coming trip. We reserved a van for around 80K Rupiah (around SGD 11++) that valid for a day. Most of car/van transportation is old style, like the one on the photo above, unless it is 5 stars shuttle bus/van. It is pretty much like Malaysia and Singapore's 5 stars shuttle bus/van.
"Kong Zhi" temple at Batam islandArchitecture of the Batam city is mostly based on Chinese and Indonesian. You have the "Kong Zhi" temple that was opened in 1955. There has a lot of people, especially is eldest people go to pray and make a good wish. As to me, I also involved as a part to get a good luck on my career and relationship. Hehe..
Everyone is crazy to shopping and happy to join their local softdrink, "TeaBotol".
There are lots and lots of shopping malls all over Nagoya and other parts of Batam. One of the
largest is the Nagoya Hill Shopping Mall which is huge with 3 levels of lots of shops selling everything from clothes, jeans, lingerie, jewelry, handbags and electronics items. Everyone went there and start to "rob" everything that can be afforted by them, including me as well. I bought a new bag and formal shirt which is only costs me around 100K Rp (around SGD14++)
Enjoy our "Ayam Penyet" with our tour guider
We went to enjoy the massage after shopping at mall. There are many massage centers around Nagoya. Some are pure professional and others a little dodgy. I was recommended by a number of locals the Sport Massage Centre and Spa and had a massage there which was one of the best I've ever had. For a traditional bali massage it is 80K Rp(around 10++) for one hour. After massage, we had our lunch with "Ayam Penyet" with white rice. It is very nice, especially is "sambal". Yum yum..... so delicious and spicy. ^_^
Enjoy a wonderful beach and resort
Before we left from Batam Island, the "KTM" resort will be final place to travel. According to the local information, this resort is most expensive and also provide high quality service if compare with it's competitive. It costs one room with around SGD 70 - 100 per night. Sounds is very expensive to us since we have some budget on this trip, especially some of my friends have a next trip on Bali Island. Back to our topic, we have a nice rest and enjoy the natural sea environment until the time is out of running back to Singapore.
Crazy, Enjoy and Rest for everyone.
At the conclusion, this trip has a lot of funs and laughing because of everyone is crazy to play and enjoy the culture. Despite how much the tired after back from trip, it is still good in our memory. Hope there has more trip this coming soon. ^_^
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Good luagh...
What is your reaction if you face this.... Dizzy i'm.
Have a nice laugh this weekend. ^_^
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Ready for 1 day Batam Island trip (09/04/09 - 10/04/09)
Yeah... I will travel Batam island for 1 day with my lovely friends. We will depart from Harbourfront terminal on tomorrow (09/04/09) evening, around 8.30pm. Since this is my first time to travel Indonesia, I have some excited to understand Indonesia's culture. Haha...
Yes!! Ready for my travel... I will post some photos after I back. ^_^
Monday, April 6, 2009
New day, New job
Today is my day to step into new department at NTUC income Pte LTD. Here environment is different and also my duty is also different. Plus, the requirment is higher than previously. =.=''
My NTUC income name tag.
There has a lot of teams within IM (Information Management), i think there should have around 20++ teams. That's a big amount, and it only can be in big organisation same as NTUC. At the same time, the duty and politics also are different with outside companies. I need to be alert in every seconds.
I only have my briefly orientation today since I enter this company in "odd" day instead of formal intake day. Sienz... I need to attend 2 days orientation at early next month to obtain full detail of company background, sturcture, and policy.......
Ok ah.. I wanna sleep. I think I will stop here and wish my job will be "smooth" to pass this duration until end of the day. GOD bless me... please. ^_^
My NTUC income name tag.
There has a lot of teams within IM (Information Management), i think there should have around 20++ teams. That's a big amount, and it only can be in big organisation same as NTUC. At the same time, the duty and politics also are different with outside companies. I need to be alert in every seconds.
I only have my briefly orientation today since I enter this company in "odd" day instead of formal intake day. Sienz... I need to attend 2 days orientation at early next month to obtain full detail of company background, sturcture, and policy.......
Ok ah.. I wanna sleep. I think I will stop here and wish my job will be "smooth" to pass this duration until end of the day. GOD bless me... please. ^_^
Thursday, April 2, 2009
How to be a famous blogger
Do you want to be a famous blogger?
Cartoon Blogger Dave Walker has the secret on how to do it:
Should we to be this?
Cartoon Blogger Dave Walker has the secret on how to do it:
Should we to be this?
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